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This section contains my personal projects made in the Unity Engine. These projects showcase my skills and understanding of the engine.

Green Quest Prototype(Mobile)


Green Quest is a game aimed to spread environmental care and awareness to its players. Having quests and missions that have to do with keeping the environment clean and healthy.

Aim and Objective:

Clear out all missions and objectives.

Lose-Win Condition:


Control Instructions:

1) Use the virtual joystick/WASD to move around. 

2) Tap the jump button/spacebar to jump. 

3) Holding the sprint button/shift enables you to move faster.


Covid Warrior Quest(Mobile)


This is a trivia game with a primary focus on COVID-19. 

Aim and Objective:

Answer trivia questions correctly to unlock achievement badges.

Lose-Win Condition:

Clear each level by answering at least 7 questions correctly.

Control Instructions:

Tap on your answer.

Cowrie Rush(Prototype, Mobile)


In the days of the old, "Cowries", popularly known in Africa was used as a currency by its natives.

"Cowrie Rush" is a game idea I came up with centered around this base knowledge.

With colorful scenery and interesting gameplay mechanics explore this level as you search for cowries.

Aim and Objective:

Collect all cowries present in the level to win.

Lose-Win Condition:

You clear the level once you collect all cowries present. Make sure to avoid falling off the platforms and watch out for hazards, these can inflict damage to your health, health <= 0, you lose.

Control Instructions:

1) Use the joystick to move around. 

2) Tap the jump button to jump. 

3) While in the air, you can glide using the joystick.

Download Link:

Pizza Toss(Prototype, PC)


In this project, I programmed a top-down game with the objective of throwing food to hungry animals - who are stampeding towards you - before they can run past you. Doing this I become much more familiar with some of the most important programming and Unity concepts, including if-else statements, random value generation, arrays, collision detection, prefabs, and instantiation. I also got familiarized with using unity UI tools, creating responsive UI elements for users to interact with. In completing this project, I learned how to create a full cycle of a basic game from being greeted with the main menu to proceeding to gameplay which involved the ability to launch projectiles and maneuver the player to keep the game alive, win-lose conditions, congratulatory text, and an end game menu.



Feed the hungry animals to stop them from getting into your farmland for the next 35 secs.

Control Instructions:

Using "W" and "D" you can move sideways. Pressing "SPACEBAR" spawns a pizza projectile moving in the forward direction with respect to your position.

Win-Lose Condition:

Last for 35 secs defending your farmland( Feed as many animals as you can to rack up your score) and you get to win the game, your performance output is based on your score. Do not allow more than 5 animals into your farmland or else you lose the game(The health bar below shows the health status of your farmland which is affected by animals entering your farmland).

Download Link:


Roller Splat Clone(Full Game, Mobile)


In this project, I created a clone of the famous mobile game "Roller Splat" made by VOODOO. I tried to emulate the mechanics from the original game and in the process gained more knowledge on the input system features and functionality unity has to offer. I also got hands-on experience with level design, the levels were created to be simple but yet puzzling to the player as they have to color all tiles present in the level while moving around.



Color all tiles on the level.


Control instructions:

Swipe in a valid direction you want the ball to move with respect to.


Win-Lose Condition:

You're winning if you're coloring all the tiles present.


Download Link:

Sumo Battle(Prototype, PC)


In this project, I programmed an arcade-style sumo battle with the objective of knocking increasingly difficult waves of enemies off of a floating island, using power-ups to help defeat them. In creating this prototype, I learned how to implement AI behavior and new gameplay mechanics into my projects, which are new rules or systems that make the game more interesting to play. On one hand, I learned to program a powerup, which gives the player a temporary advantage. On the other hand, I learned to program increasingly difficult enemy waves, which make survival more challenging for the player. A good balance of powerups and increasing difficulty make for a much more interesting gameplay experience.



Knockdown as many enemies as you can off the floating island.


Control Instructions:

Use WASD keys to move in specified directions.


Win-Lose Condition:

You're winning if you keep knocking off enemies and you lose the moment you are knocked off.


Download Link:


Bouncy Balloon(Prototype, PC)


In this project, I programmed a fast-paced endless side-scrolling game where the player has control over the physics of a balloon(Whether or not a force propels it or gravity acts on it), collects coins, and avoids the bombs. In creating this prototype, I learned how to add music and sound effects, completely transforming the experience of gameplay. I also learned how to create dynamic endless repeating backgrounds, which are critical for any side-scrolling game. Finally, I learned how to incorporate particle effects like splatters and explosions, which make your games so much more satisfying to play.



Collect as many coins as possible, make sure to avoid the bombs unless the game ends.


Control instructions:

Use SPACEBAR to propel the balloon upwards.


Win-Lose Condition:

You're only winning if you're collecting coins and you lose the instant you collide into a bomb.


Download Link:

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